If you are doctor practising medicine in the UK it is a GMC requirement to have an annual appraisal and when you come to your revalidation you will need to show evidence of each appraisal from the previous 5 years.
Who Can Do Appraisals For Doctors?
It is often difficult to find a consultant trained who can do these appraisals, so you usually will have to organise this with an independent registered consultant who you will have to pay, usually costing a whopping £600 if you go through your locum agency. So we have teamed up with Medical Appraisals to bring you certified appraisals at half that price at just £299 and with the appraisal over SKYPE so you can have it from the comfort of your bedroom.
Appraisal Preparation
No matter who you choose you will need to prepare exactly the same way for your appraisal/revalidation. Most Responsible Officers will do doctors appraisals through the MAG (Medical Appraisal Guide) form. A PDF which includes all the requirements of the appraisal where you attach documents/supporting documents (ie. feedback forms, signed letters confirming CPDs/or of teaching done). Your can download the MAG doctors appraisal form at the bottom (you may have to download the latest Adobe Reader and then open the downloaded MAG form directly from Adobe).
1. Personal development plan - (usually you have set yourself one at your previous appraisal/ARCP) and you set a PDP for the following year.
2. CPD (Continued professional development) Points. These can be anything outside of your normal work which you can count as developing your professional career. Normally 1 hour = CPD point. Examples - Attending grand rounds, departmental teaching, journal clubs, MDT meetings, online modules, any courses, teaching, anything else you can prove you have done that you think should count as a CPD. GMC actually state they do not require a doctor to have a specific number of points, but as a guide we would suggest attempt to show evidence for around 50 points for the year if possible.
3. Colleague and Patient Feedback - Questionnaire forms you can give out to colleagues and patients of your choice. You can collect these at any time during the year. GMC state that this should be done at least once every 5 years, so although not compulsory some kind of colleague/patient feedback is required for your appraisal. You can download the GMC questionnaires below.
If you need any help in filling out the MAG doctors appraisal form, or any questions about your appraisal then just get in touch with us.
See here for more details on Appraisals preparation.